sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

compo 4

Composition 4 "Mom's normal day" 

On a normal day mi mother wake up at 7:00 o’ clock, then she take a shower at 7:20 o’ clock, at 8:00 o’ clock she goes to church, when she return to the house she makes the breakfast to my father and me.

Then she start to do the house works, wash the dishes, sweep away, mop, making beds, when she finished, she take a nap.
In the afternoon she makes the food and put me my lunch to go to school, after that she goes with my father to walk around to the mall and buy some things.

When she returns to the house she washes the clothes, and make the dinner for my family, and then she stays in my house the rest of the day, see the T.V and read books, she stays lying a little time finally take a shower for go to sleep.